This year marked the release of the Oral Health Report 2018 Update, a comprehensive status report of the oral health of Windsor and Essex County residents. This report, along with findings from our dental health survey of adults and seniors, Dental Health of Adults and Seniors in Windsor-Essex Survey Results 2018, identified the need to improve access to oral health services in our community and address declining oral health among children, youth and vulnerable populations.
The role of community water fluoridation in the prevention of dental caries among these groups was the focus of much debate in 2018 as the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) advocated for the reintroduction of fluoride into the municipal water system. Along with local service groups, dentists, community partners and residents, Dr. Wajid Ahmed, our Medical Officer of Health, presented to both the City of Windsor and Town of Tecumseh councils. Presentations included the sharing of local data, evidence, expert witness and testimony. This community effort resulted in support for oral health services and education, and a vote that would reintroduce community water fluoridation into the municipal water system positively impacting residents in the City of Windsor, Town of Tecumseh and Town of LaSalle.