Classes and Clinics

We offer many classes and clinics to help you live a healthy life.

Clinics that you can walk into without an appointment are listed in our calendar. For details about any class or clinic, use the links on this page.

Two images. Image 1: A group of students of different ages listening to a teacher. Image 2: A nurse holding a medical clipboard.


Eat4Life is a program developed by the Registered Dietitians working in the Community Primary Care and Public Health Partnership to help Windsor-Essex residents learn more about nutrition, physical activity, and behaviour change.

Small Drinking Water Systems

In accordance with O. Reg. 319/08, operators of Small Drinking Water Systems (SDWS) must notify the Health Unit of the proposed date to resume operation after being closed for more than 60 consecutive days and provide microbiological water test results.

While operators of seasonal SDWS will be familiar with re-opening procedures, operators of SDWS that are normally open year-round may not be familiar with re-opening requirements.