If we could summarize 2017 in one word, it would be “change”.
The WECHU experienced a variety of changes, including:
- a transition in our senior leadership team
- the release of the Report of the Minister’s Expert Panel on Public Health, Public Health Within an Integrated Health System
- the introduction of the draft modernized Ontario Public Health Standards, changes in public health regulations
- emerging public health concerns including the identification of Aedes aegypti adult mosquitos in Windsor-Essex
- and preparation for the pending federal legalization of cannabis.

As we look forward to next year, our focus will be on the implementation of evidence-based public health strategies in our community.
As with any change, we anticipate challenges associated with the transition we need to make, but also opportunities that can help us improve the health of residents in Windsor-Essex.
Not only is the WECHU committed to the important work we do, but also to our vision of a healthy community.
We hope you enjoy learning more about our organization and our activities in the 2017 WECHU Annual Report, we look forward to connecting with you through our diverse set of programs and services in the future.