The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has mandated that all residents within the primary zone of a nuclear installation have potassium iodide tablets available in their homes.
It is important to point out that the risk has not changed at Fermi 2 or Davis-Besse, however what has changed is the regulatory framework for Canadian nuclear installations.
Potassium Iodide (KI) Pill Request
*One KI pills package for each household. If you have a large household with more than 5 adults living in the home, consider completing a second order.
Please note it may take up to 6-8 weeks for the KI pills to be mailed to your home. Priority will be given to Town of Amherstburg residents.
In-person pick-up is available at select locations (see below). Note: completing an online form is NOT required when picking up in person.
After receiving new KI pills, residents can safely throw out expired KI pills in their household garbage or drop them off at their local pharmacy.
While neither nuclear installations are regulated by the CNSC, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and the local municipalities want the residents living within the primary zone and secondary zones to be treated the same and be as prepared as all other Canadian residents living near a nuclear installation.