Communications Department
November 10, 2022
September 15 – October 14, 2022 Communications Update
Provide regular marketing and communication updates to the Board of Health.
SOURCE | Sep 15 – Oct 14 | Aug 15 – Sep 14 | DIFFERENCE |
News Releases, Media Advisories and Statements, or Notices Issued | 2 | 13 | -11 |
Media Requests Received | 20 | 40 | -20 | pageviews | 148,144 | 169,974 | -21,830 |
YouTube Channel Subscribers | 1,737 | 1,735 | +2 |
Email Subscribers | 7,719 | 7,759 | -40 |
Emails Distributed | 11 | 16 | -5 |
Facebook Fans | 18,888 | 18,869 | +19 |
Facebook Posts | 73 | 89 | -16 |
Twitter Followers | 8,754 | 8,737 | +17 |
Twitter Posts | 68 | 84 | -16 |
Instagram Followers | 1,485 | 1,474 | +11 |
Instagram Posts | 32 | 45 | -13 |
LinkedIn Followers | 1,227 | 1,202 | +25 |
LinkedIn Posts | 35 | 34 | +1 |
Media Exposure | 144 | 313 | -169 |
Data Notes can be provided upon request
Media Exposure Overview Graph
Website Overview Graph


A series of ads was created to promote the Legacy for Children Parenting Program, administered by the Healthy Families Department.
The campaign ran for 13 days, and over this timeframe, the ad had a total reach of 5,068 people with 14,888 total impressions.

The Communications department also updated The WECHU’s Strategic Plan which involved redesigning the files, creating web images, and making it accessible via
The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan was approved at the September Board of Health meeting, and was available online on September 15, 2022.