Physical Activity and Screen Time

Providing children and youth with ways to be active and educating them about the importance of physical activity and limiting of sedentary behaviour is important to help them develop skills and knowledge to allow them to make healthier choices.

Screen time: is the amount of time your child spends on any screen such as a television, computer, gaming devices, phones and any other electronic device.

Below are some links and resources that talk about different types of safe play-based activities for children and the importance of limiting the amount of screen time your child has.


Caring for Kids- Screen time and young children 
This article on “screen time and young children” was developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society. It outlines screen time recommendations for young children.


Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guideline for the Early Years (ages 0-4) 
This video looks at what a healthy 24 hours should look like for young children (e.g., how much activity, sleep and time spent sitting or on screens.


Caring for Kids- Physical Activity 
The “Caring for Kids” website was developed by the Canadian Paediatric Society and includes a section on physical activity with information for infants, preschoolers, and school-aged children.

This website provides parents with articles and fun activities to help kids be active and develop skills.

Provides information on how much movement, sleep and sit time (e.g., screen time or sitting in a stroller or car seat) infants, toddlers and preschoolers should be getting.

PARTICIPACTION- Children and Youth: AGES 5-17 
Provides information on how much movement, sleep and sit time (e.g., screen time) children and youth need.