Submit a Complaint for tobacco, smoking, vaping, or cannabis

Complaints can be submitted using this form, or by calling 519-258-2146 ext. 3100.

All complaints are confidential. Your information will not be shared with the facility owner, operator, or staff. All information submitted on this form is handled in accordance with our Website Privacy Statement.

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit encourages you to file a complaint if:

  • You witness an area or person not in compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 or smoke-free municipal by-law. Including someone smoking in prohibited areas such as:
    • recreational facility property,
    • sports fields,
    • bar/restaurant patios,
    • parks/playgrounds.
  • You witness someone smoking or vaping in an enclosed workplace or workplace vehicle.
  • You are aware of a retailer selling tobacco/vapour products to individuals under the age of 19.

Please fill out each section below and provide as much detail as possible.

Complaint Information:
Your Contact Information (optional):