How to Help a Friend
Signs to look for and steps to take if a friend is in distress
The Mental Health Profile of Windsor and Essex County was prepared by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit with the objective of capturing the current status of mental health in our community. This report describes local statistics, emerging trends, and at-risk populations in regards to mental health, work stress, and intentional self-harm using various indicators and data sources.
Signs to look for and steps to take if a friend is in distress
Learn the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, or sources of stress.
Useful tips and resources for maintaining your well-being and psychological health.
Box breathing can help you feel calmer, less stressed and more focused. Follow these steps.
Mental health is an important part of your overall health and well-being. Find information and resources on this page.
View suggestions for self-care and positive mental health
Do you want to learn more about mental health at the national, provincial, and local levels? Click on the icons below for some quick mental health facts and statistics in Canada, Ontario, and Windsor-Essex County.
Gambling is risking something of value (e.g. money, time, possessions) in hopes of gaining something of greater value.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-973-4435
Walk-In Service with a specialized crisis worker at The Crisis and Mental Wellness Centre.
1030 Ouellette Avenue
Mental illness can be defined as a condition that is characterized by alterations in mood, thinking, and/or behaviour, and associated with symptoms of significant distress and decreased functioning. There are a wide variety of mental illnesses, ranging from mood disorders, anxiety disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, problem gambling, and substance use disorders.