April 2019 Board Meeting - Minutes

Meeting Document Type

Board Members Present:

Joe Bachetti, Tracey Bailey, Dr. Ken Blanchette, Judy Lund, Gary McNamara, John Scott, Ed Sleiman, Larry Snively, Michelle Watters, Rino Bortolin, Fabio Costante

Board Member Regrets:

Dr. Deborah Kane, Dr. Carlin Miller

Administration Present:

Dr. Wajid Ahmed, Nicole Dupuis, Lorie Gregg, Theresa Marentette, Kristy McBeth, Dan Sibley, Lee Anne Damphouse

Invited Guest Present:

Mr. J.P. Karam, Willis Law, WECHU Legal Representative

QUORUM:  Confirmed

  1. Call to Order
    Board Chair, Gary McNamara, called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.  Gary McNamara introduced invited guest, Mr. J. P. Karam, WECHU legal representative from Willis Law.
  2. Agenda Approval
    It was moved
    That the agenda be approved. - CARRIED
  3. Announcement of Conflicts of Interest – None.
  4. Board Elections
    1. Joint Board Extension Committee
      Nominations for Chair
      G. McNamara relinquished the Chair to T. Marentette, Board Secretary, to begin the election process. T. Marentette opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chair noting that Administration had received one (1) written nomination for Gary McNamara.  Board member Ed Sleiman nominated Gary McNamara for the position of Board Chair. T. Marentette asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Chair were closed. G. McNamara, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Chair by acclamation.

      Nominations for Vice-Chair
      T. Marentette relinquished the Chair to Chair Elect, G. McNamara.  The Chair opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair noting that Administration had received one (1) written nomination for Dr. Ken Blanchette.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Vice-Chair were closed.  Dr. K. Blanchette, having accepted the nomination, was elected Vice-Chair by acclamation.

      Nominations for Treasurer
      The Chair opened the floor for nominations for the position of Treasurer noting that Administration had received one (1) written nomination for John Scott.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Treasurer were closed. J. Scott, having accepted the nomination, was appointed Treasurer by acclamation.
      4:09 pm – Councillors Rino Bortolin and Fabio Costante arrived during the nomination process

    2. Audit Committee
      The chair opened the floor for nominations for the position of Audit Committee Member.  Board member Larry Snively nominated Tracey Bailey.  The nomination was seconded by Dr. K. Blanchette.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times).  Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for the position of Audit Committee Member were closed.  T. Bailey, having accepted the nomination, was appointed to the Audit Committee.
    3. Project Governance Committee
      The Project Governance Committee (PGC) is comprised of 2 representatives from each the City, the County and the Province. There are currently 2 openings for city representation, 1 opening for county representation and 1 opening for provincial representation.  The Chair opened the floor for positions on the PGC.
      City of Windsor Representation
      Board member Ed Sleiman nominated Fabio Costante to represent the City of Windsor. The nomination was seconded by J. Scott.  Board member Joe Bachetti nominated Rino Bortolin to represent the City of Windsor.  The nomination was seconded by Dr. K. Blanchette.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for City representation on the PGC were closed.  Fabio Costante, having accepted the nomination, was appointed as a representative for the City of Windsor to the Project Governance Committee.  Rino Bortolin, having accepted the nomination, was appointed as a representative for the City of Windsor to the Project Governance Committee.

      County of Essex Representation
      Board member Tracey Bailey nominated Joe Bachetti to represent the County of Essex.  The nomination was seconded by Dr. K. Blanchette.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for County representation on the PGC were closed.  Joe Bachetti, having accepted the nomination, was appointed as a representative for the County of Essex to the Project Governance Committee.

      Provincial Representation
      Board member Dr. K. Blanchette nominated Judy Lund to represent the Province.  The nomination was seconded by J. Scott.  The Chair asked for further nominations from the floor (three times). Given that there were no further nominations, nominations for Provincial representation on the PGC were closed.  Judy Lund, having accepted the nomination, was appointed as a representative for the Province to the Project Governance Committee.

  5. Approval of Minutes
    1. Regular Board Meeting: February 28, 2019
      It was moved
      That the minutes be approved. - CARRIED
  6. Consent Agenda
      The following information reports were presented to the Board.
      1. KI Distribution
      2. 2018 Strategic Plan Year End Report
      3. The New Canada’s Food Guide
      4. Media Recap – February/March 2019
        It was moved
        That the information reports be received. - CARRIED
      1. Consumption and Treatment Services Application
        The following Recommendation/Resolution Report was brought forward to the Board for support and approval:
        It was moved
        That the Recommendation/Resolution report be supported and approved and that the WECHU take the lead role, with key community partners, in facilitating the completion of the Application for CTS in Windsor-Essex - CARRIED
  7. Business Arising – None
  8. Board Correspondence – Circulated
  9. New Business
    1. CEO Quarterly Report (January – March 2019)
      T. Marentette made note to the reference of the labour disruption in the report.
      It was moved
      That the report be received - CARRIED
    2. 2019 alPHa Fitness Challenge
      T. Marentette referenced the 2019 alPHa fitness challenge for Boards of Health.  WECHU participated last year with a 30 minute walk prior to the board meeting, and we would be happy to coordinate another walk prior to the May board meeting if everyone agrees. One member suggested riding your bike was another option.
    3. alPHa AGM (June 9-11, 2019)
      T. Marentette provided information to Board of Health members regarding the alPHa Conference and AGM in June.  If any board members wish to attend please see L. Damphouse for registration and list of eligibility.
  10. Other Board of Health Resolutions/Letters – For Support
    1. Peterborough Public Health – For Support (Vaping Products)
      Smoke-Free Ontario Act – Letter to Hon. Christine Elliott
    2. Southwestern Public Health Unit – For Support (Vision Screening)
      Child Visual Health and Vision Screening Protocol – Letter to Hon. Christine Elliott
      It was moved
      That the above correspondence be supported. - CARRIED
  11. Appendices
    1. Appendix A – 2018 Strategic Plan Year End Report
      The above report was reviewed in conjunction with information report 6.1.2.
  12. Committee of the Whole (CLOSED SESSION, in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act)
    It was moved
    That the Board move into Committee of the Whole at 4:13 p.m. - CARRIED
    It was moved
    That the Board move out of Committee of the Whole at 5:19 p.m. - CARRIED
  13. Next Meeting: At the Call of the Chair, or May 16, 2019 in Windsor, Ontario
  14. Adjournment
    The meeting adjourned at 5:58 pm.