Fridge Considerations
- Purpose-built refrigerators are preferred for vaccine storage.
- When choosing a vaccine fridge - size matters. The refrigerator needs to have the capacity to hold the largest inventory that you may retain at one time throughout the year (e.g., in the fall/winter during respiratory illness vaccination season).
- Take into consideration that diluents should be kept in the fridge with the vaccines and if your facility plans to store additional medications such as allergy serum.
- The fridge should be located in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and external walls.
- For bar or domestic fridges only: add multiple unopened, not-for-drinking water bottles to fill doors and drawers or floor of the fridge. This will help maintain stable temperatures.
Temperature Monitoring Considerations
- Download and print a copy of the Ministry’s Vaccine Temperature Log Book.
- Use a thermometer that records current, maximum and, minimum temperatures in decimal increments such as 4.5 degrees Celsius or 5.1 degrees Celsius.
- Attach the thermometer temperature probe with tape to the center of the fridge. Or if available, attach the probe to a full but expired vaccine bottle. Place the bottle in the vaccine box, and tape box to the center of the fridge.
- Start recording the current, maximum, and minimum temperatures twice per day for 7 days. It is recommended to do this at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day. Adjust the fridge temperature settings as needed. Strive for the current temperature to be between 4.0 C to 5.0 C.
- After 7 consecutive working days of temperatures within 2.0 C – 8.0 C, send the temperature log with “New Fridge Temperatures” written at the top - to the Health Unit. Fax to 519-977-1711 or email
- A nurse from the Health Unit will contact you to make an appointment for an onsite inspection.
- Continue to monitor and record the fridge temperatures twice per day.
Do not store vaccine in the new fridge until advised by the Health Unit

The Health Unit may have fridge space to store your vaccines during a move, renovation, planned vacation, or in the event of an emergency. This service ensures the cold chain is maintained and a copy of the temperature logs available upon request. Contact our team to arrange this service