Safe Water

Beach Safety

Each year during the warmer months (June – September), Public Health Inspectors perform a weekly beach safety assessment and water quality assessment at eight local public beaches. Water samples are tested for E. coli bacterial counts. For E. coli results, call our Beach Hotline at 519-258-2146 ext. 1490

Private Well Water

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit reminds its residents that if you are drinking water from a private well on your property, you can test your well water for free!

Year-round well water testing is free of charge for private residential use. Water is tested for total coliform and E. coli bacteria.

Lead in Drinking Water

Lead is a toxic metal that is found naturally in the air, soil, and water. It is also used in mining, manufacturing, and burning of fossil fuels. The amount of lead Canadians are exposed to has decreased since the 1970s, mainly due to the removal of lead in gasoline, paint, and solder in food cans (Government of Canada, 2013).


Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria. The bacteria can be found in water or food that has been contaminated with stool (poop) from a person who is infected with cholera. In Ontario, an average of one case per year is reported and all cases have been exposed to cholera in another country while travelling. Places in the world with poor sanitation, poor water treatment and inadequate hygiene are more likely to have cholera.