Party Safer

Many traditional approaches to addressing teenage substance use (e.g., zero-tolerance policies, abstinence-only education, etc.) have limited effect and can have unintended negative consequences.

As a result, the Healthy School Department developed the Party Safer Toolkit, which takes a harm reduction approach to reduce the social and health harms related to alcohol and substance use.

The purpose of this toolkit is to provide school administrators, teachers, students, and parents/caregivers with resources. The goal is to increase teen awareness of the importance of partying safer, and encourage healthy behaviours and informed decision-making. This resource includes information on the risks of using alcohol and substances and encourages teens to celebrate in a safer, less harmful way when they get together with friends, or during special events this summer.

The toolkit contains the following:

  • Party Safer - Resource for Teens
  • Party Safer - Resource for Educators
  • How to Talk to Teens About Parties - Resource for Parent/Caregivers
  • Healthy Schools Party Safer/Prom Toolkit
  • Social Media Messages

High School event planning committees are also encouraged to review the toolkit and incorporate it into their lead-up to events such as prom. Download the toolkit.

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