Exam time can cause a lot of stress for many students. A little bit of stress can be a good thing to motivate you to study so that you get a good mark. But too much stress can be harmful to your health.
Exam stress can cause physical symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, headaches or a sick feeling in your stomach. Exam stress can also be emotional. For example, you might feel annoyed, overwhelmed or have little motivation to do anything.
Read on for easy ways that students and teachers can help lower stress related to exams.
Tips for STUDENTS to lower exam-related stress:
Before you start to study, think about how you learn best. You might learn best while moving, hearing, seeing, or reading and writing. Use that technique to study!
- Study in a distraction-free environment, if possible.
- Use time-management tools like an agenda. Plot out your study time and breaks!
- Study in short spurts of less than an hour and take your breaks. One long study session is less effective than multiple short sessions. You can’t do it all in one day!
- Use tools like flashcards to test yourself along the way.
Tips to help you deal with stress during exams:
- Set aside a couple of minutes each day to practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing.
- Look after yourself! Eat nutrient rich foods, exercise and get enough sleep! Minimal amounts of movement into your day and not enough sleep can increase symptoms of anxiety.
- Make a study plan and set realistic goals. Give yourself mini rewards once you achieve your study goals.
- Use stress busters during your studying (e.g., 12 instant stress busters – Kids Help Phone)
Tips for EDUCATORS to help students lower exam-related stress:
- Ensure that students are aware of the content that will be included on the exam, prior to exam day.
- Remind students to focus on what they can control about the test or exam (e.g., their preparation, taking care of themselves as best they can).
- Encourage students to use the coping strategies that work best for them throughout the test or exam (deep breathing, stretching, etc.).
- Share with students concrete tips on how they can prepare for tests and exams.
In addition to helping students with exam stress, you can help students develop skills to manage and cope with life situations that may be stressful. Teaching these lessons can help increase student engagement and support positive mental health and well-being throughout the school year.
More information and tips:
- Test your best: Tips for managing test and exam stress (French) (School Mental Health Ontario)
- Exam Stress (English only) (Kids Helpline Australia)
- Study tips you need for your next exam (French) (Kids Help Phone Canada)
- Student test and exam stress: The important role of educators (French) (School Mental Health Ontario)
- Mental Health in Schools workshops (English only) (Canadian Mental Health Association)
- MH LIT- Student Mental Health in Action (French) (School Mental Health Ontario) - a series of four lessons for secondary students to build their understanding of mental health and mental illness, signs of mental health problems, and how/where to access help when needed.