January 2023 Board of Health Meeting - Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) Catch up and Enforcement Information Report

Meeting Document Type
Information Report
Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) Catch up and Enforcement


Healthy Schools Department - Immunization


January 19, 2023


Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) Catch up and Enforcement in Elementary Schools and Grade 7 In-School Immunizations


In Ontario, the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) R.S.O. 1990, requires children and adolescents attending primary or secondary school to be immunized against mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, meningococcal, varicella and polio, or have a valid Medical, Conscience or Religious Belief exemption on file at the Health Unit. As outlined in the Ontario Public Health Standards (OPHS), health units in Ontario are required to have a complete immunization record, or a valid exemption on file, for every student attending school in their area.


ISPA Enforcement in Elementary Schools

The Windsor and Essex County School Board Liaison Committee and representatives from private schools were surveyed about their recent experience with the secondary student school ISPA enforcement process. The results of that survey, which indicated that additional communication resources at the school level, were embedded in the planning process for 2023 activities. A Communication Workgroup has been established with communications staff from the four local school boards and the WECHU. The working group has collaborated on a communication plan for the ISPA-based catch up and enforcement activities planned for elementary school students in the 2022-2023 school year. The plan includes new resources and messages catering to the specific needs of local elementary school communities.

The WECHU has reviewed immunization records for students attending elementary school in Windsor and Essex County, as mandated by the ISPA. As of December 12, 2022, there were more than 12,000 students in the birth cohort years between 2009 and 2018 who were either overdue for one or more of the ISPA-based vaccines or who had not submitted their updated records to the WECHU. The parent(s)/guardian(s) of these students received an immunization notice in December, informing them of their child’s missing vaccines along with information on how and where to receive any missing vaccinations and/or how to update the child’s records.

The WECHU is hosting catch-up immunization clinics for eligible students from December to March to service families with children born between 2009 and 2018. Parents/guardians can book an appointment for their child at either the WECHU’s Windsor or Leamington office by phone at 519-960-0231 or online at wechu.org/getimmunized. Over 30 immunization clinics were held in the WECHU offices in December. In January, the WECHU will continue to provide daily clinics in its 2 offices, with after school hour clinics at both sites. As of January 9, 2023 there are 9,069 elementary school students at risk of school suspension on March 20, 2023.

Families can also contact their health care provider to receive any missing vaccinations and are reminded to update their child’s immunization records online. The WECHU is working with local health care providers to provide them with the necessary vaccines and ensure their patients’ records are updated.

As part of the strategy to reach parents/guardians, the WECHU developed a detailed communications plan that included news releases, social media posts, a 211 email blast, and paid Facebook and Google ads. To reach Arabic speaking parents, an Arabic radio ad will be purchased on CINA 102.3 FM. Starting December 12th, organic Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram messages were posted on WECHU’s social media channels, ranging from general messaging about the benefits of vaccination, to where to find an immunization clinic and how to update a student’s immunization records. A video of a Public Health Nurse explaining how parents can report their child's immunization record online was created. A short form of this video was posted on the WECHU’s website, in order to meet the needs of families who may need additional support when uploading their child’s immunization records.

Grade 7 School Immunization Clinics

According to Ontario’s publicly funded immunization program, public health units offer vaccines for Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Meningococcal Disease to students in Grade 7 at no cost each year through the school-based immunization program. The Meningococcal vaccine is an ISPA-required vaccine to attend school in Ontario; Hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are not required, they are highly recommended.

School-based immunization clinics for Grade 7 students have returned to the regular pre-pandemic schedule for the 2022-2023 school year. The in-school clinics were offered to all Grade 7 classes in Windsor and Essex County and started on October 20. The WECHU team has provided 3,349 doses of meningococcal vaccine (i.e., Men C ACYW), 2,519 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine, and 2,728 doses of HPV vaccine so far this school year. The second round of clinics is scheduled for the spring.

Source URL: https://www.wechu.org/board-health-meeting-agendas-and-minutes/january-2023-board-health-meeting-immunization-school

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.wechu.org/board-health-meeting-agendas-and-minutes/january-2023-board-health-meeting-immunization-school
  2. https://www.wechu.org/board-meetings/january-2023-board-health-meeting
  3. https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90i01
  4. https://reservation.frontdesksuite.ca/wechu/catchupclinic/Home/Index?Culture=en&PageId=a364f119-9c1d-4de5-a00f-33b8cb44f2a3&ShouldStartReserveTimeFlow=False&ButtonId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  5. https://www.wechu.org/media-advisories/media-advisory-update-students-incomplete-immunization-records
  6. https://wechu.icon.ehealthontario.ca/#!/welcome
  7. https://www.wechu.org/your-health/immunization/your-child%E2%80%99s-immunization-record
  8. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/immunization/static/immunization_tool.html