Tobacco Cessation

Health Care Providers can make a difference in helping their clients quit using tobacco. Unassisted quit attempts are successful only 3-5% of the time, compared with up to 20% success for those receiving cessation counseling and medications.

Just a few minutes can make a difference and help your clients quit smoking.

Integrate the 5A’s into your daily practice to ensure that for every patient, at every visit, tobacco use status is queried and documented.The 5A model of minimal contact tobacco intervention is recognized internationally through a number of studies and meta-analyses as a best practice in tobacco cessation.

You Can Make It Happen is a comprehensive source of information, tools and resources about tobacco cessation for healthcare providers, provided by Public Health Units and Smokers’ Helpline.

For more tobacco cessation resources, and information about local services, contact us at 519-258-2146 ext. 3100.

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